
The Real Me.

Lately. i have had the idea that no one reads this.
but to be quite honest, i dont care if anyone does or not...

this is about me,
my life,
The Real Me.

I have gotten so caught up with
and friendships,
and enjoyment,

that i have taken a lot of importance out of my life.
like education,
and school.

which are vital.
and important.

3 Look at this:
look Who got picked by God!
He listens the split second I call to him.

4-5 Complain if you must, but don't lash out.
Keep your mouth shut, and let your heart do the talking.
Build your case before God and wait for his verdict.

6-7 Why is everyone hungry for more? "More, more," they say.
"More, more."
I have God's more-than-enough,
More joy in one ordinary day

7-8 Than they get in all their shopping sprees.
At day's end I'm ready for sound sleep,
For you, God, have put my life back together.

-Psalm 4:3-8 (The Message)


Good Week.

New Shoes. Better Grades. Time. No Anxiety. It has been a great week so far... hopefully it keeps going well. :\


New Year. New Love.


Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit.








All of the above= Love

Just as God made Day, the night comes hand in hand with it.

God put Adam & Eve on earth with love in their hearts, an unbreakable relationship with God, & the freedom to do as they pleased in the garden. After eating from the forbidden tree, God cursed all men's flesh for all of earth's time.
But just as God cursed men, he still had Love in his heart for everyone. All of us. He promised a blessed life for all who follow him, and He still managed to squeeze grace out for all the little mistakes we make. God is the MAN!

Love is the heart of God. and You find your true treasure in your heart, and your heart in your treasure.

My New Year's Resolutions:
--Love all & Show care and respect. always.
--Find my heart. my calling.
--Find more of Jesus. more of God.



So much in the past week has been brought to my attention...

. future.

. friendships.

. finances.

. family.

. finding myself.
...Self Explainitory...

God is given credit for every aspect in my life, but sometimes... i just wonder...
...maybe God does have a different plan.
...maybe im following my gut instead of my God.



Novelty God

So I hardcore went shopping today... evidentally not hardcore enough... but i must say... i am impressed with my end results... so far at least :D ... i got a few more things than this, but i must say, i have enjoyed what i have read of these!

Story: Steven James & PURE: Rebecca St.James

While reading these tonight, they both connected in a weird way, while they are both Christian based, Story is saying the way it rolled in the Bible... While PURE is a devotional.

Dec26;(Day1:PURE && Chap1:Creation:Story)
Talking about Creation.
and the process God went through to make us, and think about us.
before he thought about ANYTHING else,
He thought about US and his plan for US.

It amazes me to this day that God, created men and women, all in sense to find their "can of peaches" and their passion in life.

To find your fire, and your happiness, only makes God that much more happy.
God created every person with their own fingerprint, and their own purpose.

(From Story)
The society today makes you think::
...we need to know how long it takes a star to form...
...what materials are needed to create a moon...
...how long it will be until there is no more earth...
If this was necessary to know & in God's plans for us... he would have handed Adam & Eve a book saying
"This should clear it all up. I cover The Big Bang Theory, the fossil record, Neanderthals, carbon dating, and everything. & just so there's no confusion, I've included a timetable for you. the footnotes refer to a few websites that wont be written for a few millennia, so you can just skip those for now." (James21)
